Cooking with Ease

Many of you know that cooking isn't my favorite thing. Hence the daily (okay maybe more than daily)bowl of cereal. Well due to the never ending amount of time I have on my hands now, I have found the website of all websites. You just simply type in the ingredients that you have in your kitchen and it will find a recipe for you. Voila! Simple as pie! No more last minute grocery runs for me! Try it out, cause I know everyone will love it!


The Bigelows said...

Thanks we are very exited also, congrats on finishing school!! we are doing good im getting fat and Blair is working hard!!

*Brittany* said...

That's such an awesome idea. I hate cooking too. How are the new jobs going?

Stephanie Peay said...

Great tip on the website. I am going to look it up. Congrats on graduating. Doesn't it feel amazing? I am going private so send me your email. I really want to keep in touch with you. My email is
Good luck with your new job.

Barlow Fam said...

Thanks so much for the web site, it will help me out a ton... So have you moved up here yet? Where are you going to live? We should get together too I would love to see ya! Did you have a good anniversary?

Julie said...

What the?! Who stole my idea? My husband and I have totally thought about creating a website like that... someone beat us to it. Well atleast we don't have to do all the work! I am excited to put it to use! Thanks Krista!

Lyndee said...

Tried it out, love it! Thanks Krista!

Jason & Karen said...

Hey! How is up north!? I was going to get your number from Rach the other night but I didnt dare call and bug you! I have a question. So I have not had a single day to "study" for the comp predictor and we have to get a 76... I am so busy with preceptor, high acuity and freakin homework that the only studying I have done is taking questions when I get a chance. What do you suggest, because I am seriously so scared for it I am so afraid to not get to graduate haha. HELP! I know you are a smarty pants so I need some advice :) hope you guys are doing good!!

Luke and Bridget said...

What a fantastic site! Thanks for the tip! Congrats on your job! Sounds exciting!