The Women of Steel Triathlon

So I actually made it through my first Triathlon! I couldn't believe it! I was exhausted and I really am a crappy swimmer, but hey I made it. I did it with my sis-in-laws: Janel and Cassie. They were amazing too! We all loved getting out and staying fit. There was so much excitement because it's an all women's triathlon and so there were over 700 competitors. The atmosphere was fun and there were tons of people to help cheer you on! When I was riding my bike, there was this little boy on the very back road where no one was cheering, and he would ring his little cow-bell and yell "keep up the good work ladies!". Cute things like that kept me going strong. I ended with a good time- 1:14.04! I just wanted to finish in under 1:20. I was suprised to find that I actually took first place in my age division and in the athena category! It was so much fun! Thanks Derric for getting us in! I was a little bummed cause my hubby couldn't be there to cheer me on, but he definitely helped with all the training! Thanks babe! So here are all my race pics in the smilebox! Enjoy!

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Well everybody...I did it! I completed my first tri and it was a blast. The swim was crappy but everything else went well. I finished in 1:14.04 and ended up winning my division! I got to stand on a podium and everything! I will be posting pics very soon!


Well I thought about copying and pasting the photos that my friends have already posted on their blogs about mine and Drew's graduation, but then I would be the lazy one. Thanks to all who helped make graduation awesome! Drew and I are so lucky to have such good friends! Kellie and Rachel totally cooked for our families and hosted a wonderful after graduation party! Thanks you guys! That was awesome! And a special thanks to all the family who drove down to support us- moms and dads, Derric and Cassie! You guys really helped to make our day special! Thanks!

Watch out Texas!

So I guess it's time for another lonesome summer. Drew is leaving for Dallas, Texas today! I am so sad but am excited for him. Another hot and sweaty summer of selling pest control. Thanks for your hard work babe!


The Icebreaker finally arrived. It was time for all of that training to pay off.

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My Sister

My sister Marley has been racing bikes competitively.
She is doing so awesome, here is a shout out, follow the

Hello Utah Jazz

Drew and I were given row 17 tickets to the Jazz game! (Thanks Kays & Am) It was so much fun to be there in person! We are avid fans anyway, but to be so close was amazing. D-Wil is so tall in real life! So here are a few pics of our amazing time. At half time we walked down on the court and started snapping pics! So fun!

Seriously Scrubs?

So I hate it when I log on to check out some blogs and realize that people don't update every week. I then looked at my own blog and realized (gasp) I haven't posted for over a month (I know you're all thinking...what a hypocrite)! Well from the mouth of my little niece Shaylee "Saw-ree".
Well, I have officially passed my nursing boards and I am now working at American Fork Hospital in Labor and Delivery. It is very exciting but I must admit, I am terrified when something goes wrong. Thankfully 90% of deliveries are normal and the baby or mom has no problems (whew).
So I was thinking today about my wardrobe, as I frequently do, and decided that I love jeans! I love them so much, that I would wear them everyday, including Sundays, if I could. Lately my everyday attire consists of scrubs. I guess I shouldn't be complaining because who in all actual reality complains about wearing pajama like uniforms to work everyday?! All I am saying is I miss my jeans. Oh those sweet, comfortable, wonderful, amazing jeans. So to those of you who are lucky enough to wear jeans...count that as a blessing!

Cooking with Ease

Many of you know that cooking isn't my favorite thing. Hence the daily (okay maybe more than daily)bowl of cereal. Well due to the never ending amount of time I have on my hands now, I have found the website of all websites. You just simply type in the ingredients that you have in your kitchen and it will find a recipe for you. Voila! Simple as pie! No more last minute grocery runs for me! Try it out, cause I know everyone will love it!

So many happenings

So much has happened over the last couple of weeks...well here it goes. I got a job at American Fork Hospital and I will be rotating between Labor and Delivery, ER, and Med/Surg floors. Drew got a student teaching job at Lone Peak High School in advanced weight training and introductory to psychology. He will be excellent! We celebrated Christmas and both love our new watches, nike shox, clothes, and of course...the wii fit! Next we celebrated our 3 year anniversary on the 30th with the stomach flu in bed. :( Sorry babe, I will try and make that one up on our half anniversary. Next was New Years and we celebrated with Chase and Brooke! Life is good and now we will be filling our time between jobs at the American Fork Rec Center. We miss everyone and hope all the holidays were fabulous!